WorkCycle Workshop

WorkCycle Workshop

Menstrual Wellbeing at Work, Menopause Wellbeing at Work, Menopause Conversations at Work are 3 highly quality, sought after workshops for menstrual and menopausal well-being in the workplace. Founded in Australia as an initiative of She Listens, the Chalice Foundation – Australia, (independent sister foundation to Chalice Foundation Aotearoa Trust), and The Dugdale Trust for Women & Girls, the harm-prevention entity of the Victorian Women’s Trust.  Available for delivery in the North Island, Aotearoa/New Zealand, through local facilitator Angela Roberts.


To have a workshop delivered in your workplace and/or to discuss your workplace needs and costs, contact:

Name: Libbie Chow – WorkCycle Coordinator


Learn more of the latest research in the Aotearoa/New Zealand context about the impact of Menopause in the workplace.

NZIER. (2023). The silent transition:  Understanding the impacts of menopause in New Zealand workplaces.  A Report for Global Women.