More Info About the Workshop

More Info About the Workshop

This workshop is predominately focused on, but not exclusive to, the experience of natural menopause (45 years and over). It is acknowledged and discussed that menopause can be a process resultant of either surgery (surgical menopause) or treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy (medical menopause). Spontaneous menopause can also occur between the ages of 40-45 years, often referred to as early menopause and 3.5% of the global population may experience a form of premature menopause termed primary ovarian insufficiency before the age of 40 years. Each experience offers its unique rewards and challenges and we encourage you to bring along and share what works for you for others to learn from.

Whilst this workshop is delivered from a predominately CIS heteronormative Pākehā lense, we strongly protect this space as being safe and inclusive. All experiences are welcome in this space, and we recognise the ongoing battle for equal recognition and the impact of minority stress and intergenerational trauma outside of this dominant narrative.  Valuing the diversity of culture, gender, ability, and meaning-making will be upheld. The expectation is that each person will own their journey and not be the expert or judge of another’s. We all experience this transition in very different ways and face challenges.  We honour you as the expert of your journey and welcome your expertise into this space.


Bullivant, K., McClunie-Trust, P., & Syminton, K. (2022). A meta ethnography of the cultural constructs of menopause in indigenous women and the context of Aotearoa/New Zealand. Health Care for Women International, 43(10-11), 1197-1217.

Glyde, T. (2023) How can therapists and other healthcare practitioners best support and validate their queer menopausal clients? Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 38(4), 510-532.

NZIER. (2023). The silent transition:  Understanding the impacts of menopause in New Zealand workplaces.  A Report for Global Women.

Schoenaker, D. A. J. M., Jackson, C. A., Rowlands, J. V., & Mishra, G. D. (2014). Socioeconomic position, lifestyle factors and age at natural menopause: a systematic review and meta-analyses of studies across six continents. International Journal of Epidemiology, 43(5), 1542-1562.